Again this summer, Country Gate Players will facilitate a youth theatre performance workshop. The initiative will culminate with three performances of the original production, Middle School Musical, July 25, 26 and 27.
The program is open to young actors, ages 9 to 14. There is no participation fee required. However, it is necessary that cast members provide their own costumes, attend most rehearsals and all performances. Previous theatre experience is helpful but not required. Enrollment registration for the program will open on March 15 at: https://shorturl.at/pmbxh
Workshop style auditions will be conducted June 9 and 10, at 6 pm. Those registered will be scheduled to attend one of the two dates. Kids will learn a song excerpt and sing in groups or alone. As an additional option, participants may choose to sing a prepared 16 bar selection of their choice and provide accompaniment by phone or sing A cappella. This action would be optional and not required. The audition may also include some light movement/dance exercises and scene readings.
Rehearsals will be held: June 17,18,19, 24, 25 and 26 from 6 to 8 pm; as well as, July 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23 and 24, from 6 to 8:30 pm.
All activities will take place at the Country Gate Playhouse, 114 Greenwich Street, Belvidere, New Jersey.
The Country Gate Performance Workshop will again be conducted by Cailla Minerowicz and Bill Scurato.
Middle School Musical, developed by Scurato, celebrates the joy of learning, working and growing in the theatre. In addition, it considers potential misdirection in addressing the values of the pursuit.
As Dayton Middle School prepares for its annual spring musical, everyone is flabbergasted when Lindsey, the perennial star of the school, is passed over for the “leading" role, in favor of quiet, unassuming Isabelle (Izzy). What follows is a series of chaotic schemes and plots culminating in lots of fun for the audience and an eventual happy ending for all the kids.
Principal characters of Middle School Musical are:
Capable middle school girl ...mostly “normal” (whatever that means) but pleasantly unique. She is a global learner, creative and smart. Not particularly sports minded or fashion conscious. Definitely colors outside the lines and runs with scissors. Wears a cowboy hat.
Isabelle (Izzy)
Quiet, shy 7th grader. Mostly invisible. Quite thoughtful. She has a passion for the stage but lacks confidence. Envies the popular crowd. Ali’s friend.
Kind of a busybody. Quite a gossip. Personable. Smart, but lacks motivation.
7th grade heartthrob. He’s good at everything and well anchored. Very popular and friendly to everyone.
Bad-boy. Always in trouble for one thing or another. Has a bit of a problem with authority. Essentially a good heart, but loves finding the right buttons to push.
Lindsey Chase
Popular 7th grader. Princess of the in-crowd. Mostly self-centered, but there’s some good inside. Must always be #1 at everything.
Part of Lindsey’s posse. A hanger-oner. Somewhat shallow in her own right.... a female “Eddie Haskell” of the early 2000’s. (Mrs. Mino will translate “Eddie Haskell”)
A popular member of the in-crowd. Showy and deceptive, but that's kind of a cover-up for his own insecurities. He has many good qualities but he's hesitant in allowing them to be seen.
Mrs. Horvath
7th Grade English teacher. Has been at the school for many years. Chicken “A”- Quite inflexible. In charge of the school play.
Mr. Williams
New social studies teacher at the school. Somewhat naive but open- minded and encouraging. Has been assigned to assist Mrs. Horvath with the school play.
Ms. Nightingale
Art teacher who seems to have connected with Ali. She believes strongly in the power of the arts in education. She’s also been assigned to help with the school play.
Frederick Chase Jr.
Lindsey’s father. Pretentious yuppie.
Parker Chase
Lindsey’s mother. Engineer by profession, but longs for the stage. Former prom queen.
Principal Pluker
School principal. Self-important bureaucrat. His name says it all.
Present day stage manger of Down On The Farm. Introvert. Chosen by grown-up Ali, as a last-minute replacement cast member.
An over-the-top member of grown-up Ali’s cast of Down On The Farm. Loves frilly costumes....an issue over which she quits the show.
Megan’s Mother
Encourages her daughter to apologize for her behavior and request reinstatement in the cast.
The production will also seek the support of a strong ensemble to portray the friends and neighbors of the Dayton School community.